Terms of Use

These General Terms and Conditions of Use govern the access to and use of www.manoussi-furs.gr . The access to and use of this web site as well as the purchase of products on www.manoussi-furs.gr are based on the assumption that these General Terms and Conditions of Use have been read, understood and accepted by you.

Through this web site the mission of ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS consists of selling products to “consumers” only. “Consumer” shall mean any natural person who is acting on www.AchilleaManoussi.gr for purposes which are outside his or her trade, business or professional activity (if any). If you are not a consumer, please do fill the relevant wholesale form and we will come back shortly, with any information you might require. The Provider shall be entitled to object to the processing of purchase orders from persons other than consumers and to any other purchase order which does not comply with the General Terms and Conditions of Sale and these General Terms and Conditions of Use.

The access to and use of www.AchilleaManoussi.gr, including display of web pages, communication with Provider, downloading product information and making purchases, is carried out by our users exclusively for personal purposes, which should in no way be connected to any trade, business or professional activity. Remember that you will be liable for your use of www.AchilleaManoussi.gr and its contents. The Provider shall not be considered liable for any use of the web site and its contents that is not compliant with the laws and regulations in force, without prejudice to Provider’s liability for intentional torts and gross negligence.

In particular, you will be liable for communicating information or data which is not correct, false or concerning third parties (in the event such third parties have not given their consent) as well as for any improper use of such data or information.

All information is legally binding as soon as it is published on the web site in any section of www.AchilleaManoussi.gr. If you do not agree to all or part of www.AchilleaManoussi.gr ‘s General Terms and Conditions of Use, please do not use our web site.

“ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS” has the right to modify the General Terms and Conditions from time to time and without partial warning or to renew the present conditions according to its needs and transactional standards. “ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS” has got the obligation to inform its users on any modifications or any other changes through the site of the present electronic store. It should be clarified that any change of conditions does not apply to orders that you have already made.


“ACHILLEAMANOUSSI” has bound itself on the completeness and validity of the information existing in its site www.manoussi-furs.gr, regarding the existence of the essential characteristics that are described on every product that it offers as well as the accuracy of the facts  regarding the provided services by the internet site of “ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS”, except to any technical or typographical errors which have not been noticed or have unwillingly been made or because of a stoppage of the operation of the site due to force majeure. The dimensions of the products are approximately recorded and only for your information. The appearing colors are as accurate as the internet technology allows it, however there might be possible fading since the colors cannot be accurately produced on your computer screen.


“ACHILLEAMANOUSSI” gives no guarantee of the availability of the products, but it guarantees the consumers prompt informing about any unavailability.  “ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS” is only responsible for deceit and full negligence, in case of a delay of the delivery of the products that have been ordered, and the information that the company provides or the services that it provides through its internet site. “ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS” bears no responsibility for any technical problems that may come up to the users, when they try to have access to its internet site regarding the operation or compatibility of their device with the use of the internet site. Also, “ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS” bears no responsibility for actions or omissions of a third person, and is particularly not permissible for interventions of a third person in products or/and services or/and information that are provided.  All the information products, material, services that are contained in the present site or are provided by it, including all the texts, graphs, images, java text, cookies, are provided in this valid form (“As  Is”) without any obligation, guarantee or presupposition of any type, either explicit or indirect. Moreover, “ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS” gives no guarantee that its internet site will operate without any errors or that the present internet site and its server have not been infected by viruses or other harmful elements.


All content included on this Site, such as works, images, pictures, dialogues, sounds, videos, documents, drawings, figures, logos, menus, web pages, graphics, colors, schemes, tools, fonts, designs, diagrams, layouts, methods, processes, functions and software (collectively, “Content”), is property of ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS or Provider and is protected by national and international copyright and other intellectual property laws. You may not reproduce, publish, distribute, display, modify, create derivative work from, or exploit the Content in any way, whole or in part, without the prior written permission of ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS.

ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS shall have the exclusive right to authorize or prohibit at sole discretion any reproduction, publication, distribution, display, modification, creation of derivative work from the Content, or exploitation in any way of the Content. ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS shall have the right, at any time, to claim the authorship of any Content posted on this Site and to object to any use, distortion or other modification of such Content. Any reproduction, publication, distribution, display, modification, creation of derivative work from, or exploitation in any way of the Content, only if authorized in writing by ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS, shall be carried out by you for lawful purposes only, and in compliance with all applicable laws.

The names, images, logos, distinguishing marks which represent “ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS” or/and its third parts contracting with them along with their products and services, are exclusive trademarks and distinguishing marks of “ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS” or/and www.manoussi-furs.gr or/and the third parts mentioned above and are protected by the Greek, communal and international laws on commercial trademarks, industrial and intellectual property and unlawful competition as well.

The products that are mentioned on the electronic page of the personal internet site and bear the trademarks of the respective organizations, companies, collaborative conveyors, constitute their own intellectual and industrial property and, consequently, these conveyors bear the relative responsibility.


The users of the webpage www.achilleamanoussifurs.gr accept that they are not going to use this and the internet site of “ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS” for shipping, publication, sending with e-mail or transmission with any other way, that is illegal, harmful, threatening, offensive, annoying, slanderous, libelous, vulgar, indecent,  constitutes a violation of privacy, shows animosity or expresses racial, national or other discriminations, may be harmful to minors in any way, is not supposed to be transmitted according to the legislation or the conventional or administrative relations (such as internal information, private and confidential information that has been obtained or revealed as part of work relations or covered by confidential agreements),  violates any patent, commercial trademark, commercial secret, intellectual properties or other properties of third parts, contains viruses of logistics or any other codes, archives or programs which have been designed to discontinue, cause damage, destruction or impediment of the operation of any logistics of the  computer material, violates willingly or unwillingly the valid Greek and Communal legislation and provisions, can annoy third parts in any way and any content, which is used

for collection or storing of the user’s personal data.


Once you complete and confirm your order via the Internet by completing and sending the relevant order form that exists in www.achilleamanoussi.gr website, we will confirm your order by sending you an e-mail. ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS strives to process each order, but special circumstances may arise, which could discard the process of your order, despite the fact that you have been sent an order confirmation, and ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS reserves the right to reject an order at any time at its discretion. If your order can not be processed, we will contact you within 20 days from the confirmation e-mail and will either offer a similar product or cancel your order by returning the full amount paid by you.

While we make every effort to fulfill all your orders, acceptance of an order does not imply legal drafting of the sales contract and we reserve the right to inform you that your order can not be processed.

The order is completed by the delivery of the product ordered to you.

In an effort to prevent illegal use of credit cards and other payment options we will use every means possible to confirm the absence of deception on every order. In any case, we cannot guarantee that it is possible to fully prevent the use of such information by unauthorized third parties.

The final invoice / receipt will be included in your order upon receipt of the product ordered (or any other agreed product).

You should be aware that your order may be delayed for the following reasons:
1. The product has already been removed and is not available. In this case, we will contact you by telephone and / or via e-mail, to suggest an alternative.

Due to extreme weather conditions or strikes, and in case of force majeure, that could affect the transport and delivery of your order. In that case, we will contact you by telephone and / or via email, to confirm that you still want the order to be processed under these conditions.

If it is impossible to telephone and / or email contact you (e.g. if a problem occurs in the order, or in connection with the product or in connection with the payment) because e.g. the data entered is not properly registered or updated.


The prices shown on our website are the product’s prices. While completing your order form, extra costs such as taxes, fees, order chargers and any kind of customs that may occur will be added to the final price. Specifically,

for orders shipped within the European Union, VAT and luxury taxes may occur

for orders shipped outside the European Union, customs and taxes of the receiving country may occur

Before sending the order you declare that you were informed that the prices shown on your order form include taxes, fees and any kind of customs or other charges.


For shipments of products within Greece, ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS accepts payments by Credit or Debit Card, e-Banking – Direct Bank Transfer and PayPal. Payments are made in Euros only.

If you choose to pay by debit or credit card, you agree that the order entails your obligation to pay. Accepted cards are Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, JCB, Dinners Club International.

If you choose to pay with PayPal, you can send your payments on-line using a debit or credit card or a bank account. When you select PayPal as payment method, go to PayPal’s site, where you can send your payment. If you do not already have a PayPal account, you can create a new account. At PayPal, you can choose how you would like to run your payment (for example, using a debit or credit card) and then send the payment.

The payment will be made for your order, and if the request does not proceed, the payment will be returned (not included shipping costs will also be repaid by the time of cancellation). The amount charged refers only to the value of the product ordered, indicating any and all additional charges, such as shipping costs.

During the order process, you should complete the number and the expiration date of the debit or credit card. The charge of your debit or credit card will be made, once preliminary inspection and certification of data and its validity is successfully made.

You are solely responsible for the proper recording and true data of debit or credit card and you need to own such a card which will be used for the transaction.

Debit or credit cards are subject to validation checks and authorization by the issuer of the card. If the required authorization is not received by us, we are not responsible for any delay or non-delivery of the product ordered and will not be able to complete the sales contract with you.

The delivery of products is made by cooperating transport companies, to which ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS promotes users’ personal information, such as name and shipping address, allowing thereby the delivery and execution of orders.

Whichever payment method you choose, there is possibility of choice between a retail receipt or an invoice. Invoices are issued to companies and professionals, therefore they are obliged to provide us with the following information: Company name, Tax Registration Number, Tax Office, Registered Office. Profession is required for freelancers.

Your payment, made in any of the above mentioned ways, is refundable, shall you decide to return the product in accordance with the terms hereof. Where a payment way via debit or credit card was applied, the whole amount will be immediately credited to your card. Where payment through PayPal was applied, the whole amount will be credited directly to your credit or debit card or bank account.

If the purchase was made with a debit or credit card, the delivery of goods will only be made to the holder, who should receive the order in person by showing the original identity card or passport and debit or credit card, in order to ensure the holder. The receipt of the order by a third party is prohibited, unless the buyer authorizes a third party to do so in writing. In that case (written authorization), the delegated party should show these documents to complete the delivery of the products ordered by debit or credit card.


The Personal information (address, credit or debit card account number, etc.) is encoded in an attempt to prevent this information from being violated or read by unauthorized persons. Nevertheless, we do not guarantee that our efforts will be successful, since the sending of confidential information through e-mail services is not the most secure way, and involves risks of such information being read from third, unauthorized parties.

ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS has no access to your bank data, and does not store information on your bank through your debit or credit card. Therefore please enter the details of your payment in any order you place with us.

ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS will not be liable for any damages or losses (direct or indirect) that occur through a card being illegally used or being used in an unauthorized manner.

ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS shall not be responsible for any damage that may occur to your computer equipment from viruses, worms, spyware programs, or similar during your connection to our website. Please make sure you have anti-virus program, firewalls and the rest of your computer protection programs are updated.


Please ensure that the address you enter is correct.

We will immediately send you an e-mail with the Estimated Delivery Date.

Working days are Monday to Friday. Orders are shipped from Greece.

It is preferable to enter a receipt address, where someone will be present to receive your order during working hours, such as your workplace. If there is no person authorized to receive and sign at the place of receipt, a note will be left in your mailbox informing you of the incomplete delivery and the place where you will be able to receive the package. In cases where the package will be returned to ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS because it was not received or shipped to an incorrect address, ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS will refund the purchase price but not the shipping costs.

If the product is damaged during transport, please immediately inform ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS and if possible send photos.


ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS does not deliver to P.O. Boxes.

Shipments destined for countries inside the European Union may not contain an invoice or any other documentation declaring the value of the merchandise.

All shipments destined for countries outside the European Union, as required by Customs regulations, are accompanied by an invoice declaring the value of the merchandise.


“ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS” recognizes the importance of the security of your Personal Data as well as the security of your electronic  transactions and takes all the necessary  measures, with the most up-dated and advanced methods, so that it can secure your data to the highest degree. All information regarding your personal data and your transactions is secure and private.


Privacy is considered to be self-evident. The same basic principles that rule classical transactions are also valid in the case of e-commerce. All information transmitted by the user to “ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS” is confidential and “ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS” has taken all the necessary measures so that it can be used only if necessary during provided services. Some of the measures that have been taken are the following: Only authorized employees have access to the information of your transactions and only if necessary, e.g. for the processing of your requests. “ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS” does not reveal the data of customers and transactions made by them, unless it has got a written authorization from you or this has been imposed on by a judicial verdict or a decree by another public authority. In case “ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS” uses third parts to support its systems, it cares for the ensuring of privacy. You can ask for any data that is in stored about you as well as its corrections in case you note the existence of an error. For your own security, you will also have to handle all the information that is provided through the service as confidential and private and you should not proceed to any revelation of it to third parts.


During your visits in the internet site of www.achilleamanoussi.gr it is possible that you will be asked to reveal your personal data (first name, last name, profession, electronic mail, address of the products to be shipped etc) in order to process your orders. The possible personal data that you provide anywhere in both pages and services of the internet site www.manoussi-furs.gr is kept exclusively for transactional reasons, communication, improvement of the provided services and ensuring of the operation of the respective service. The use by a third part is prohibited (with only exception the authorities according to the Law). In any case, the employees of “ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS” that have access to your personal data are specific and the access to your personal data by people without an authorization is forbidden. Any reasonable measure to ensure your personal data has been taken. Only in rare and special occasions shall your personal data be acquainted to companies that cooperate with “ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS” in order to support, promote and carry out your transaction with us, but every time all measures will be taken to fully ensure that your personal data does not undergo any illegal process. The management and protection of the visitor/user’s personal data and the services of the internet site is subject to the conditions of the present section as well as the relative provisions of the Greek and European Law. The present conditions are stated, taking into consideration not only the rapid advance of technology and especially the internet but also the present – although not fully advanced – nexus of legal regulations regarding these issues. Within this frame, any possible relative regulation will become a subject of the present section. In any case the junction retains the right of changing the conditions of the protection of  personal data once the visitors /users have been informed within the present or/and possible legal frame. If a visitor/user does not agree with the conditions of the protection of personal data which is provided in the present section, the visitor/user shall not use the services of the internet site. In case payments are made by Credit Card, the essential information required for the transaction to be successfully completed (such as credit card / debit card number, expiration date, security code) will be sent to authorities responsible for processing such data or possibly to a company responsible for monitoring fraud using encrypted data. Third parties will not have access to such information under any circumstances. This information will never be seen or stored by ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS. ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS takes appropriate security measures in order to minimize the risk of destruction or loss of data, unauthorized access and prohibited, illegal data management or inconsistent with the purposes of data collection as indicated in our Terms of Use. However, ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS cannot guarantee that the measures taken for the safety of the website, data transmission and information on this website, limit or exclude any risk of unauthorized access. For that reason, Users are advised to make sure their computer is equipped with appropriate software to protect the network transmission of data (such as updated antivirus) and that their Internet service provider has taken appropriate measures in securing network data transmission. For any query or proposal or statement that has to do with these issues, please send us an email at “ infoachilleamanoussifurs.com “. It is your right to have access to your own personal data and you can raise objections, correct or delete inaccuracies of your personal data, as well as oppose to its processing by “ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS”. In case you are willing to practice these rights, you can contact “ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS” through the electronic mail address “ info@achilleamanoussifurs.com .  After your request, you can receive explanations regarding the processing of your personal data and a confirmation that all parts involved have been informed about your requests about informing, altering or deleting your data depending on the case. “ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS” will make every effort to respond to such requests at a reasonable period of time. Before proceeding to the processing of personal data for commercial or advertising reasons, “ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS” is going to consult the register that the Authority of the Personal Data keeps according to article 19, paragraph 4 of N. 2472/1997.


www.achilleamanoussi.gr may contain links to other web sites on the internet. ACHILLEAMANOUSSI FURS declares that it does not control or monitor such third party web sites or their contents. The Provider shall not be held liable for contents of such sites and/or for the rules adopted by them in respect of, but not limited to, your privacy and the processing of your personal data when you are visiting those web sites. www.achilleamanoussi.gr provides links to other web sites exclusively to help its users in searching and surfing the Internet and to allow links to web sites on the Internet. Shall the Provider provide links to other web sites, it does not recommend to its users to access these web sites and it does not provide any guarantees about their web content or to services and products supplied and sold by these web sites to Internet users.


The Provider does not warrant that the contents of the web site are appropriate or lawful in other Countries outside Greece. However, in the event that such contents are deemed to be unlawful or illegal in some of these Countries, please do not access this website and, where you nonetheless choose to access it, we hereby inform you your use of the services provided by www.achilleamanoussi.gr com shall be your exclusive and personal responsibility. The Provider has also adopted measures to ensure that the content of www.achilleamanoussi.gr com is accurate and does not contain any incorrect or out-of-date information. However, the Provider cannot be held liable for the accuracy and completeness of the content, except for its liability for tort and gross negligence and as otherwise provided for by the law. Moreover, the Provider cannot guarantee that the web site will operate continuously, without any interruptions and errors due to the connection to the Internet. In the event of any problem in using our web site please contact us. An authorized representative will be at your disposal to assist and help you to restore your access to the web site, as far as possible.


These General Terms and Conditions of Use are regulated by Greek Law and in particular by Law No. 2251/1994 for the “Consumer Protection”, by the Presidential Decree No. 131/2003 and by Law No.3471/2006.
Please note that the European Commission provides a platform for alternative extra-judicial resolution of disputes, available on the website http://ec.europa.eu/odr.

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